Rogue Trooper
Rogue Trooper is a action shooter Video Game For PC. The story is ready on the earth Nu-Earth, that is caught within the gravitative forces of 2 suns and a part (used by Southers to warp into their space laboratory supreme headquarters, wherever a perpetual war between the Norts and Southers is being fought, within which millions are killed. throughout the war all styles of chemical and biological weapons are used, poisoning the earth, and also the troops of either side should board confined cities and solely venture into the skin if carrying protecting gear referred to as a "bio-suit". The Southers have, through biotechnology (done by the supposed "gene genies"), developed a race of warriors UN agency area unit resistant to the deadly atmosphere and can thus be superior troops, the Genetic foot. All of the G.I.s were created resistant to all toxins, diseases, and acids (except for one). The current of air supreme headquarters deploy their secret weapon in associate degree mobile assault, however a traitor has betrayed the key of the G.I.s to the Norts and that they area unit massacred throughout the drop. this is often referred to as the Quartz Zone Massacre. Rogue, apparently the sole living G.I. (until he meets Venus Bluegenes), goes AWOL so as to trace down the Traitor General accountable and penalize the remainder of the G.I.s. on the method he thwarts varied Nort schemes, destroys a number of Nort-land's highest personnel, like Grand Admiral Hoffa and Sergeant-Kaptain Natashov.

Rogue Trooper is a action shooter Video Game For PC. The story is ready on the earth Nu-Earth, that is caught within the gravitative forces of 2 suns and a part (used by Southers to warp into their space laboratory supreme headquarters, wherever a perpetual war between the Norts and Southers is being fought, within which millions are killed. throughout the war all styles of chemical and biological weapons are used, poisoning the earth, and also the troops of either side should board confined cities and solely venture into the skin if carrying protecting gear referred to as a "bio-suit". The Southers have, through biotechnology (done by the supposed "gene genies"), developed a race of warriors UN agency area unit resistant to the deadly atmosphere and can thus be superior troops, the Genetic foot. All of the G.I.s were created resistant to all toxins, diseases, and acids (except for one). The current of air supreme headquarters deploy their secret weapon in associate degree mobile assault, however a traitor has betrayed the key of the G.I.s to the Norts and that they area unit massacred throughout the drop. this is often referred to as the Quartz Zone Massacre. Rogue, apparently the sole living G.I. (until he meets Venus Bluegenes), goes AWOL so as to trace down the Traitor General accountable and penalize the remainder of the G.I.s. on the method he thwarts varied Nort schemes, destroys a number of Nort-land's highest personnel, like Grand Admiral Hoffa and Sergeant-Kaptain Natashov.
System Requirements:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Intel Pentium 4/Dual Core 2 Ghz
512 MB RAM
3 GB Free HD Space128 bit 128 MB Vram
3 GB Free HD Space128 bit 128 MB Vram

Tested Game 100% Working
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